Thursday 19 February 2009

Tom's leaving drinks

After work May and I managed to squeeze in platefuls of sashimi, edamame beans and endless bowlfuls of Miso at Yo! in Farringdon before Snakey Jake came to join us for some chicken. You just don't go to a sushi restaurant and order the chicken, but then again Jake's always liked to pop the bubble of convention. After hearing about Jake's bid to give up all vices after a trip to Bupa left him holistically cleansed, we cut to the Three Kings in Clerkenwell for Tom's leaving drinks.
Tom's off to LA on Friday after having an epiphany and heading over there to hook up with JD Powell and the rest of the scriptwriting crew. He'll be staying in Silverlake for a couple of months basically to see what happens. I must admit, I'm kind of jealous of him as I know he'll have a brilliant time. It's good to be impulsive and spontaneous, it kind of keeps the soul young. Anyway, after the third pint, I'd realised I'd left my bag in Yo! Sushi, May and I said our farewells and went back to pick it up. Luckily it was still under the table we'd sat at!

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