Friday 6 February 2009

Dinner with the Doctor

It always makes me laugh when people start a sentence with the work 'fucking'. It gives them chance to actually construct whatever shit it is they've got in their thick heads. The tube this morning was running really slowly 'due to adverse weather conditions'... It's only a bit of snow, I don't think Britain is geared up like Canada where people ski down to the shops to get some fags. Anyway, this bloke got on a packed tube with his timid looking mate and started shouting that he'd just 'fucking seen the trailer for the new fucking fast and furious last night which looks fucking brilliant.' Apparently Vin Docile is back on form. I'm sure the rest of the busy tube now feels the same way and rush out to reserve their tickets.
In other news, not last night, but the night before May went out for a drink and a bite to eat with her ex-boyfriend. She needed to catch up with him being as it's just been announced that he's going to be the next Doctor Who. As a virtually unknown actor, May said it was quite odd as he was getting hounded for autographs in the Hawley Arms. There's quite a buzz about him at the moment as he's going to replace the well-loved Scotsman... Which all sounds quite nice, however he has to live in Cardiff for the duration of the filming! ... Which just goes to show, money isn't everything when you're in love, is it Candice-Marie?... No Keith.

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