Friday, 12 December 2008

Christmas Eve

So it's Christmas Eve for me.. Nice. I'm getting well excited. So excited in fact that I've ordered myself a leather jacket. £90 down from £320, so... You do the math(s).... First ever leather jacket. I said I'd NEVER do it... Never wear a leather jacket, never wear a suit to work and never wear sandals. I'm breaking my own rules of life. I'll be wearing sandals next. What's the world coming to?
Anyway, I'm getting excited about seeing the family and having a good laugh. Kyleigh's got a cold so she might not be so much fun. However I'll tickle her under the chin and ruffle her hair up. (She hates that!)... I've sent May on little shopping trips for Christmas presents all this week as she's not working at the moment. She's been a godsend. She's even marched all the way over to Leytonstone to pick up £20 worth of biltong from the South African shop. She text me whilst she was there and informed me that she was the only white person on the street. I don't think she's used to it. Bless her. I used to live in Brixton, and it's quickly something you get accustomed to. (Is it racist to say that?... I don't think it is. It's an observation and not a slant. For some reason it feels slightly racist to say.)
Anyway, black, white, yellow brown... Let's just put the fists down, have a glass of bibbly and have a fucking good sing along to some Simon and Garfunkel. Bring on the cheer.

1 comment:

Jake said...

What are you wearing in the photo on your blog then? PVC?