Thursday, 18 December 2008

Christmas Party

It's that time again... When everyone else in the land dons their dapper threads, endulges in free booze and makes complete fools of themselves, everyone in our department is getting ready for the Christmas party. I'm sure we'll make the most of it... Obviously I can't speak too loudly on this blog as you never know who might be tuning in! Additionally, Colin has decided to make the Christmas Party night his leaving do, so we've got a whole glut of things to celebrate!... Chiefly that next year I won't be sitting opposite a moaning git! (Ha! Sorry Colin!)
I've found a picture of our department from back at my first Christmas party with them a long four years ago... We went as Mexican wrestlers, I was 'El Bastados' which I had emblazoned across the cape on my back. What a costume, eh? The year after that we went as Beastie Boys and won a bottle of champagne each, which we left at the venue and never saw again. I couldn't make last year, (which was possibly a good thing as things might have worked out differently for me)... and this years theme is 'Prom Night'... Hmm... As I said, I'm sure we'll make the most of it. I've couldn't find my suit last night (who loses a suit!!?) so I've found a jacket, a white shirt and a black tie... I look like a bird who's swallowed a plate.

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