No rest for the wicked they say. No rest for the helpful either... Sometimes the guy who can't say no hurts in other ways, this time around it's not a hangover. Johnny Herbert came in his hire van quick smart Saturday morning, I suppose it's my just desserts for roping him in to help lift some of MY boxes three weeks ago.Stopping off for the mandatory McDonalds en route (on Macdonalds Road!) we were soon over at his place. I'd never been there before, but heard all about it from people who had. It was as tiny as people had commented and didn't let me down. It wasn't quite a bedsit, he couldn't sit on his bed, watching telly and cooking beans. He had a mezzanine bed above the kitchenette, the toilet/wetroom beside that, and down the metal ladder, the living space. I think he'll be happier in his new place, it's bigger, brighter and all together a whole new kettle for his fish.
That evening May and I experimented with buses to take us to Angel and over to the cinema to see Slumdog Millionaire. I thought it was well deserved of it's oscars and the trickle of tears down my cheeks... I always cry at films. Quite embarrassingly I even shed a few whilst watching Ratatouille a couple of months ago! Strange though as I'm not a blubber normally.
Anyhow, On Sunday I met up with Herbert again as he needed my help lifting and I needed a lift to Ikea. We were wandering around the showroom together like a couple of gays. More embarrassing than crying at a Disney film! May was getting frazzled so I came home and helped her Photoshop and Illustrator as we chuckled though Come Dine With Me.
A very lifty weekend, I ache today.
(By the way, the photo is of the Ting Tings tickets I was given on Friday. No-one wanted them, so I left them on the table at the Dignity.)